ISO 9001 certification at WWG

The WWG team believes that there is a way to work to achieve operational excellence and that you can really collaborate effectively with your customers. The model of continuous improvement, we are convinced, is not just a utopia. Yes, but how can we put all this into practice?
Iso and quality research
ISO refers to a series of regulations and guidelines drawn up by the International Organization for Standardization. These are internationally recognised practices. These rules define the standards that a company must put in place to develop a quality management system. The objective is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes during the phases of realization of a product or those of provision of a service.
Iso 9001? What is this about?
The ISO 9001 certification, in detail, is a set of general rules that establish how a company must manage quality. This norm must be lowered in the various industrial realities and in general forces the companies to manage the business processes in way traced and controllable. All this allows companies that equip themselves with ISO 9001 to identify where anomalies or non-conformities occur to manage them. The idea behind this certification is that a production process defined in a rigorous and traceable way allows to detect and remove production defects before they reach the customer.
Certification 9001 and customer choice:
These rules are not only limited to factories and the production of goods and finished products, but are also used in other contexts. Even companies like WWG, companies that offer services such as software development.
Here’s what impact has had, has and will have this certification:
- ISO and Customer Management
A company that offers IT consulting such as WWG has a number of encoded processes that track customer reports.This avoids that due to the haste or the flow of customer alerts they are lost or that some tickets are parked for long periods for various reasons.
Obviously this tracking procedure has a cost (platforms, analysis of these data, the workforce used, for example). Certification also has a cost, but allows you to work actively to offer a service that aspires to be always better. With this premise many customers are willing to pay more. It is a non-trivial sign of openness about the concrete possibilities that, working together, literally co-creating something new, all professionals set themselves the goal of progressing along the way.
To participate in many competitions the ISO 9001 certification, in reality all ISO 9000, are essential prerequisites. A company, in other words, trusts in a method, trusts in a progressive qualitative improvement and for this reason it manifests it openly during the confrontation with other competitors to be entrusted with the project of a customer.
- ISO 9001 certification and software solutions
For the real long-term benefits of ISO 9001 certification, WWG must ensure compliance with the standards by integrating them into its activities. Now we have this important certification that attests to the implementation of a management system within us. Our software development services, at the same time, have a number of innovative features guaranteed that, in turn, will support customers in the certification process and will lead large, small organizations (even startups!) towards economic growth.
- Quality? Competence and awarness
The Quality Management System – in WWG we are sure – is an extraordinary tool to align, simplify, organize and give greater awareness to the teams involved in business processes. A plan of development entrusted in outsourcing previews however the management of various parts more than a business structure. ISO 9001 focuses on concepts such as coherence, stakeholder satisfaction (internal and external), the mindset of openness towards innovation in the company and, ultimately, achieve organizational development.

According to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 WWG must:
Establish, monitor and maintain relevant documentation and records
Measuring the customer satisfaction
Measure and monitor products and processes
Analyze data
Handling of non-conformities
Implement corrective, preventive and improvement actions
In implementing a quality system, WWG has committed itself to:
Create and implement a policy for the management system
Setting quality objectives
Define and document roles, responsibilities and authorities
Communicate internally
Conduct the management review
Managing human and material resources
WWG manages and allocates all the resources available for its projects in order to:
Identifying training and skills acquisition needs
Determine and manage the infrastructure and working environment needed to ensure compliance with product requirements
For the realization and release of new product, WWG intends to…
Identify objectives and quality requirements
Document procedures and implement operational controls
Implement verification, validation, monitoring and testing activities
Maintaining a register of compliance
Communicating clearly with customers