Tombini means very high quality standards. Selleria Tombini is active since 1920 in the sale of riding equipment. Did he only need a clothing e-commerce? Certainly no. There are four generations of experts in horse clothing, horse accessories and horse riders who deal in the historic company in Bergamo. Selleria Tombini is faithful to strictly artisan methods. The family’s laboratory is responsible of the production and repair of saddles, bridles, harnesses and leather goods. Leather process is carried out according to traditional techniques, strictly by hand. Regarding, together with the sale of items in physical stores, force Selleria Tombini, while operating in the sign of tradition, to stay updated on new trends. Here's why decided to launch a new process of digital transformation. The goal is to become the clothing ecommerce N.1 in Italy inside the sector.
The challenge
Selleria Tombini carries on a tradition, chasing like all companies a project of growth year by year, but first of all it is a group driven by a great passion.. In addition to the desire to try to sell through the web (and social!) the products of the catalog, create an online store, the priority of the group has always been to convey the values that have distinguished the history and brand identity.
Do you want to know how to renovate your
e commerce? Why don’t you tell us about it?

The solution
Three years ago, Tombini brothers decided to take a process of digital transformation to trace and, where necessary, improve all business activities. WWG instead of offering a service available "by shelf" setted a real path of change
Selleria Tombini make and select saddles, harnesses, clothing and accessories for the horse. Pays attention to animal nutrition promoting supplements and zootechnical items. That’s why WWG started with the labelling of over 30,000 items in the warehouse. Once encoded, it has integrated the system to manage the warehouse with the new digitized catalog in order to synchronize the storage of products with the customer journey.
In a second phase the activity of the online store started. With a communication campaign everyone was warned that the Bergamo-based Tombini arrived on the web and could deliver in a few hours throughout Italy.

1. WWG has made possible to expand sales volume, reach new market segments, for example throughout southern Italy, and to manage most of the internal processes more efficiently.
2. The impact of the new online business on the first year was satisfactory. We work daily to optimize the user experience and we already think about the next digital project together.
3. The Ecommerce project has not only given a boost to online sales of products, but has opened a key communication channel to support the end consumer.