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WWG and ReCup


What loses economic value can regain social value. This is the philosophy followed by the Recup Association that retrieves food from the street markets of Milan and redistributes it to the community and found in WWG, Italian software house, the digital partner that will expand its presence among the stalls of the Milanese city thanks to a new app. A phenomenon, that of food waste, which has deep roots and needs a breakthrough. To witness this is a study by the Barilla Foundation that has shown that every Italian wastes 65 kg of food per year, 7 kg above the European average of 58 kg.

Source: SkyTG24




Schermata 2021 06 22 alle 17.29.40 WWG and ReCup
Source: La Repubblica



Schermata 2021 06 22 alle 17.31.37 WWG and ReCup
Sourcee: Milano Repubblica



Schermata 2021 06 23 alle 11.37.20 WWG and ReCup
Source: MiTomorrow



Who talks about us:

  1. SkyTG24
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  4. Corriere quotidiano
  5. MiTomorrow
  6. Libero
  7. FoodAffairs
  8. Green Retail
  9. Economy magazine
  10. World Magazine
  11. AdnKronos
  12. Latina oggi
  13. Corriere di Siena
  14. Corriere di Rieti
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  24. Il centro tirreno
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  26. agenfood.
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  42. dmc magagine
  43. interris
  44. Milano-Zone
  45. e-gazette
  46. adKronos
  47. quozienteHumano

More info about #WwgxRecup

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